Thursday, April 30, 2009
Scattered dreams.

I put aside my homework to finish up on my 7-paged essay. I let you read my essay while I waited patiently. My due date to post it has passed and you were still reading it. I waited. The next morning, you tell me that my essay isn't good enough and I wouldn't win if I posted it. Fine. I stayed cool and masked myself.

That's right. I didn't get to post my first more than 2 pages essay. And I thought I had a chance to win. Hah. Truely a scattered damn dream. O well, it was few days ago so I'm cool now. Tomorrow's Labour's day people! Meaning, mummy will still going to work. But still, Hope those people staying-in at home, use the time to enjoy! :) After listening to The Best Day - Taylor Swift, I realised that we should use all our time to do whatever crap we can. Even if it's stupid or silly, at least you're doing something rather than nothing. I think I'm gonna try to find the guitar tabs for that song and I'm gonna play it during Mothers' Day. :D So, after this I'm off to google it out.

You. Better stop that attitude. So lo for what ha? You where be song? Like what gives man. People been through so much trouble for you and you act like this. Be grateful please. Mum didn't teach you 'zit? Go 'round rubbing it in people's face. Look in a mirror.

Argh. Sometimes I wonder if I really should confront them. *head shakes from left to right and over again* Think so ke si. Sorry if I'm being rude or whatev' but it's so totally wrong to just spit those words in people's face. EVENTHOUGH we're all friends. Anyway! I don't wanna talk about that anymore. So, tomorrow there's gonna be the live band audition at school (although it's a holiday), and Chels, me and maybe Jamie (you better go, I tell you) will go and check it out. :) Hope it'll be fun. Haha. Then in the afternoon, we'll be celebrating Sheryl's belated brithday at my place. Potluck. And I seriously hope everyone bring food. Suprisingly, the person who asked me if he could talk to me in school before, is coming. It'll so awkward. xP

Damn. I'm suppose to be studying for my mid term but guess the temptation is simply irresistible. I was totally dying to SDO but it's bad enough I ditched homework over onlining so I better get those tabs. :\ O well, concert's coming and we're not done with the steps yet. *claws eyes out* costume not figured out yet. Position not practiced yet. I hope we get that all done before our audition. :\ Plus my periodic 2 results = awful. Although I totally love my Math, Science and English. Pass babeh. But the rest is just mustard and ketchup. Haih. Anyway, I gotta go. Toodles!

4:04 AM | Akito | Perma | 0 comments

Saturday, April 25, 2009
Keep it real.

Seriously. Do not use or play my friends. Despo. Get a life.

I utterly and damn people like *points at the sentence above* that. Sigh. Why do they even exist. I don't know if I should tell her. Some people say no cos its none of my business but yes cos she's my friend and I gotta protect her. I don't know.

SHERYL TAN SZE THUNG! How dare you ditch me! I went to school cos of you and end up YOU didn't go. AND totally didn't bother to tell me. AAANNNDDD. *sucks in air* When I texted you and demand an explaination.... YOU DIDN'T REPLY. Yes, it's your birthday this coming Monday but I still want a freaking explaination, woman!

It has been a while since I blog, yes? Well, mummy went traveling and she took the modem off the pc. So I couldn't online. Yesterday, was the most utter bust day ever. As I said above, Sheryl ditched me. And it was totally not cool. Cos we had to go to the hall. And if it wasn't for Chels and Jamie, I would slaughter Sheryl personally. I went to sit with Jamie and Chels and went home during lunch. Haha. I wasn't the only one though. My bro too. Scott too. And a few more school mates. Oh. And I skipped school on Thursday too. xP

Oh yea, did I mentioned that I'm gonna home-learn guitar? Yeeaaa babeh.. Chels has this beginner guitar and on Thursday she came over to my place with Jamie and she brought her guitar and I totally went head over heels for it. So I asked if I could borrow it. Yes, she allowed! WOO! *head banging gesture* ANNNDDD.. Did I mention we got a new famileh? That's right... I present to yoouuu.. APPLE! *points to the pic Elvis style*

GG. I absolutely a-d-o-r-e her. Yes it's a female. Mango's awfully lonely so that's why we got her. Well, part of the reason. Anyway, it is indeed a Saturday! I'm definitely going to SDO later. Since I didn't get to for, how long? 2 weeks? Thanks to my essay. I got it printed but Ms. Jill( my english teacher ) said she gotta get the other teachers to read it. Come on man, what for? It's perfect! Haha. JK. But I gotta get to it the post office this coming week. Or I won't even be in the competition. 6 pages of glory babeh. Speaking of 6, Mr. 6 is absolutely hot-a-li-cious~ Haha. Remember I mentioned that I went to Pusat Belia and saw this guy with 6 packs? Yeaa, Mr. 6 alright. My number again. Ngek. xP

Ok, I'm off to SDO. Rock on people! Song of the day: Glamorous sky - NANA starring Nakashima Mika. Love the song and the movie. LOVES!

12:15 AM | Akito | Perma | 0 comments

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Your my only friend, Shadow.

It's a Saturday...! I hearts Saturday. :) I get to go dancing in the morning and teach lil kiddos then I get to work out too. Yes, I like working out. x) I miss my atheletics training and it makes me slack all day at home = getting f-a-t. Not something I ever want. Anyway, I think today I did quite a lot, cos my calf's like, aching now. But I want my tummy to ache! I want beautiful, luscious abs..... *drools* I absolutely adore muscles! Abs especially. GG. I don't care if I have to end up looking flat in order to have abs. Eat ma' dust! *sticks tongue out*

Ms Choo~ Haha. She's super cute, I tell you.

I was suppose to go to the PC fair today but mummy was too tired and she started to whine how hot the weather was. O well, whatever, you know. I just didn't want to stay at home and get lazy. But I end up napping. Like, after lunch. Haha. Even one of the mothers in my dancing class said I look fatter. Man.... Anyway, but the good thing was mum cooked fish and chips! I've been dying and begging for fish and chips since the beginning of the week. Don't have a specific reason to it though. Just feel like having it. *double thumbs up*

Jac asked me to help her out in Sunday School to teach her mum's class tomorrow. Hmm. It's such a coincidence since I wanted to go back to Sunday School too. But... On second thought, nah.. xP So tomorrow I'll be going to Lutong church for Mass and Sunday School to play with more lil kids! :DD Then I'll be going out. To parkson with Sheryl and Chels. Jamie was suppose to go. First, she said she rather have a movie marathon then she said she wanted to go out. THEN. She said she don't wanna go. And she made me wear a DRESS. We actually made a deal that if I wear a dress, she'll wear one too. But NOOO~~ Someone couldn't even wear a skirt. You better go I tell you. I aint gonna tolerate with that. And also some of the footballers. Don't know if bruther's going or not. O well.

OH YEA! Did I mentioned I made my first smoothie this morning?! YEAAA. It looked terrible. Haha. But it tasted pretty good. Mummy said I put too much bananas. Cos the smoothie tasted like, it was only banana smoothie instead of mix. Haha. I put erm, carrot, apple, bananas(of course) and a few pieces of watermelon. I took a pic of it. xP And Chels was suppose to watch us dance today, for some reason she wanted to. But end up didn't cos she had some modul to complete since tomorrow we'll be going out. See, even Chels isn't lazy to do it. Yea, I'm talking to that someone. Anyway, I'm gonna go continue typing my essay. So toodles! OH YEA! And.. My pc's back! WOOO! *head banging gesture* Rock on!

The. Smoothie. *Dum dum dum*


There was a accident the other day. That's the bottom of the avanza so it flipped side ways. It was raining. So yea.

Ngek. xP

Daddy-o! Ke si o. Pose until like that. haha.

6:44 AM | Akito | Perma | 0 comments

Friday, April 17, 2009
Lar-s are back.

I refuse to be jealous. I refuse.

I came to Jamie's to do my essay and end up I didn't even bring it. Just prefect. *sigh* Oh well, I have like, tons of math homework I didn't copy. At all! WOO! I still got some more from today's. And. Today during assembly, I heard the most bogus news. Our RRSS day has changed to a replacement day. *claws my eyes out* CURSE YOU PEOPLE! I was sort of looking forward to it. Not exactly. But I totally didn't want to study that's for sure!

Had piano today. Totally messed up. I hate it. O well, guess this ought to happen if I don't practice for 2 weeks. Hmm. Then when we went home, I had to climb in. LOL. Sometimes I feel like I should be the guy in the home. Cos my bro cooks when mummy isn't in and I don't. And I practically like acting like a guy in certain ways. Haha. Anyway. I'm sort of speechless now. I guess my blogging-mojo(by Eexin) is like, totally off.

No pics. Well, actually there is. But lazy upload. *shrug shoulders* Hmm. Is it that when people change. Like, is a good thing or something? Anyway, I'm gonna check out some hotties next Friday. *claps* Like, finally. Geez. My life has been really boring and dull. No wonder the world has boys and girls. If it's only girls, I'll die. I wouldn't be les either. I'll D-I-E.


2:58 AM | Akito | Perma | 0 comments

Saturday, April 11, 2009
Tagged. By Chels.

1. Name The People You Tag. (10) Anyone who wants to do it.
2. Describe yourself in one word describe?- Awful.
3. Who would you pick, someone who really loves you, or the one you love? - err, both?
4. Have you ever loved someone before but never had the courage to tell him/her?- sorta.
5. How if people reject your confess face to face?- err. just show a good face and leave?
6. God is giving u just 5 more minutes before going back to heaven, IF you love someone special, what will you say to that person?- I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN. no la. erm. I'll remember you?
7. What will u say to a person who doesn’t want to believe u?- GO TO HELL!
8. Was there ever a time that you tried to learn to love someone?- yea. but never worked out and never will.
9. Do you have something special with you all the time?- no. not really.
10. Long distance love?- i dun think it works. and nah.
11. Best place to cry.- my room. or toilet.
12. Who do you love the most?- Family(includes mango), babes and hotties and The Man.
13. Tell us of your dream last night?- No dream. too exhausted to dream.
14. Ever hated someone so bad?- um. yea.
15. The biggest & most hurtful lie you heard?- that you don't love me.
16. The last person you had a beer with?- With Lester and Sheryl.
17. The last person you went to the movies with?- Long time edi I didnt go.
18. The last person you talked on the cell phone with?- papa.
19. The last person you hugged?- erm. Oh yea. DIDI! haha.
20. The last person you yelled at.- I dunno. dun recall.
21. In the last week have you kissed someone?- Nope. it has been forever since... Oh wait. nvm. XD
22. Think of the last time you were angry, why were you angry?- Because mummy made me angry.
23. If you could do anything or wish anything, what would it be?- Erm. Somethings.
24. If you could have an all expense paid trip, where will you go?- everywhere.
25. What you hate the most?- Lies.
26. What would be the hardest thing for you to give up on?- HAHA. a lot of things actually.
27. Five facts About Me :
- I have onion breath now.
- I look like a guy from certain views.
- Cry baby
- Screws anyone.
- Loves food!
28. Five things that scare me:
- That construction thingo beside my house.
- Supernatural stuffs.
- I wont make it how I imagined.
- going bankrupt.
- Doing stupid things.
29. Two Songs Playing in My Head Lately: Love Story - Taylor Swift and i dunno.
30. Five Things I treasure in my life:
- the precious'.

1:01 AM | Akito | Perma | 0 comments

Friday, April 10, 2009
Easter Camp

Ok, I went to Easter Camp. For a day when it was 4 nights 3 days. Haha. It was torture. Showering is terrible. Sleeping is terrible. Why? Cos the water coming out from the tap is like, drip drip drip. Instead of BBUUUSSSSHHHHHH! Geez. It took forever to fill up the bucket. Plus we shower in our outfits again. Ngaidddiiii.. Everyone shower in sarung but me, Jamie and Chels shower in our clothes. *shakes head left to right* Then when we sleep right, like, OMIGOSH. We couldn't even straighten our legs cos of the over-packed room. The girls had to sleep outside the room again. Some went downstairs with the community again. And it was freaking hot and humid. A lil too many people. We didn't have proper dinning table again. We had to find a place to eat outside. So obviously Jamie complained the most. And the next day we went home. HAHAHA! Fun right? Lol. O well, at least I still have LSS next year which is also camping thingo. Hmm. I'm glad to be back somehow. :)

DADDY-O'S BACK! :DD It's 3 P.M and he's still asleep at my place. *shakes head left to right* Mum said he came home at 7 this morning. Ngaidiiii. O well. I slept at 2 something last night. Haha. Had a lil girl to girl talk with mummy-kins. So yea. Went to dancing today and man was I tired. Kept jumping here and there. Jamie mentioned that I could be the human iPod since I kept following the music. Haha. Mummy, brother and me went to Double Star to have lunch after my class. It was okay. I like the place. :) Mummy went to E-Mart. I wanted to go, but lazy. So nah. Now I'm at Jamie's and Chels' is here too! x) Haha. I wanted to go cc just now... But. Mummy didn't let. :\ I WANNA SDDOOOOOOO! mann. -.-

For the first time, I won't be going to Mater Dei for Easter Mass. T.T And it's not midnight mass anymooorrrreeee. *more tears* That's why I'm not going. Mummy have to work. I could follow Jac but mummy. Again. Don't let. She's such a party pooper. I don't wanna go to Camelite.... I don't wanna see my camper friends again.......... So very sia soi, know. Haih. I'm gonna upload pics. Oh. And yesterday was Good Friday. Went to church. Sat with the babes and Alfonso, Mo and Mr. Mysterious. Teehee. It was very hot. *face turns from happy to -.-* And I saw LARRY GOH. Like. OMG. Suprise much. Okay, I'll end here. PICASS.





Gracie and Chels at 4 AM in the morning.

Joan in church.

Alfonso and Momo. Haha.

I hate my 'kiss'. READ IT!

11:48 PM | Akito | Perma | 0 comments

Sunday, April 5, 2009
I'll strike on you if you don't listen.

OH. MY. GOLLIE. Last night's thunder/lighting storm was awful! It totally scared the hell outta me. It's just like the other night, I walked to Jamie's and there's this construction thingo going on beside my house, and they covered the place with those type of metals for old kampung houses punya roof? And while walking right, one piece of it was opening and it made that eeeeeeee noise! NOT FUNNY. All the hair on my arms are like, standing! Then I started to tell myself it's nothing. Then suddenly it start again, like it's opening wider. I didn't turn back though. SERIOUSLY! I wanted to scream and run! But I didn't. I just kept looking at the car's passing by on the highway and thought it's the highway. Impossible someone would just bash and grab me and go right? Hah. Haha. *laughs nervously* Then. In the grass. Were... MOVEMENTS! I totally wanted to jump like those animes. Like, your hands are like, ready to fight? Then one foot is lifting forward. And your face is like, OOO: HAHA! But I didn't. I just walked even faster. Then there was this freak. He was walking with an umbrella and he was like swinging it. Then he walked like some aqua, y'know! His ass was like, to the left. to the right. Like those aerobics instructor that goes, "c'mon ladies! You can do it~ To the left. Now to the right. Keep those hips moving now!" LIKE THAT. GOSH! That was the last straw. I had to run. But I didn't want to look like a freak and I definitely didn't want the kids in the car to go all, "Look mummy! That girl's running in the middle of the night! Is she in a race? Or is there a boogieman after her like in the movies?" So I walked. Faster. Haha. Nearly jogging. When I got to Jamie's house's road, God. Was I glad to see her dad outside on the phone. The gate wide open again. *sigh of relief* So I got in sweating my ass off. Argh. Curses. I will remember that night forever.

Today is SUNDAY! Palm Sunday actually. This is like, an occasion for the Christians. And we bring palm leaves to church for some blessings. It was okay, I guess. Love the hymns. Saw Grace! Then went to Grand Palace to have lunch. Then had a hair cut(it's indeed short now). Then home. I wanted so badly to go shopping with Sheryl today. But nooo~ First it was Sheryl's mum who didn't let then when I asked mother, she didn't let either. Mr. Mysterious texted me today to ask how was I doing and since he heard I wanted to go out, he sort of asked me to join him but sadly, I couldn't. Haih. O well, then I had to do some crouchet? However you spell it. For my pointe shoes. Some tip protection thingo. So half way doing it, Sheryl called and asked if I wanted to go eat rojak with them. GLAD TO! Haha. I thought we'll be going elsewhere, but didn't. So after rojak, home. Then watched tv, homework. and now. I think I'm gonna SDO later. After this. It is indeed addictive. GG

EASTER CAMP!! LALALA! I can't wait. Totally! I have my Thursday planned out if I don't go to school. Gonna drag Jamie and Chels along. Sadly Sheryl can't and isn't willing to skip school to join the fun. O well, time to SDO. TOODLES!

4:47 AM | Akito | Perma | 0 comments

Friday, April 3, 2009
Tagged by Lester.

100 truths, tag 10 people to do the same.Don't forget to tag!
Last beverage → Water
Last phone call → Jamie
Last text message → Jac
Last song you listened to → The way I loved you - taylor swift
Last time you cried→ Err, on wed?

Dated someone twice → Err, I think so?
Been cheated on → Don't think so. None of them said anything about cheating on me before.
Kissed someone & regretted it → Nah. you're my best. :)
Lost someone special→ Yea, and it was on purpose.

Fallen out of love → Hmm. Maybe?
Laughed until you cried → EVERYDAY. Haha
Met someone who changed your life → Hmm. Sort of?
Found out someone was talking about you → Err, in a bad way or good?
How many people on your top friends do you know in real life? → all? Man I think I did this before. -.-
Do you have any pets → Yea. Mango!
Do you want to change your name → Hmm. Nah, I like Emma. :)
What time did you wake up today → 6.30A.m
What were you doing at midnight last night → Zzz-ing
Name something you cannot wait for → EASTER CAMP!! WOOOO!
The last time you saw your father→ Err, CNY?
What's one thing you wish you could change→ Hmm. part of me wants you back, part of me dont. I don't know.
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Nope.
What's getting on your nerves right now → This electrical shock feeling in my fingers.
What's your name → Emma Lee?
Elementary/Primary School→ Chung Hua Krokop, SRSM, St jo.
Middle/Secondary School → RRSS.
High School → Probably RRSS too.
Hair color → Brownish black
Long or short → Short. Rock on. x)
Are you a health freak → Hah. you kidding me?
Righty or lefty → Right.

First surgery → Never had.
First piercing → When I was 6-7?
First best friend → I totally forgot her name. :X
First sport you joined → Swimming.
First pet → A fish? Or was it a dog? Hmm..
First vacation → Langkawi. to avoid Hand mouth disease. LOL

Eating → nothing?
Drinking → Saliva

Want kids? → Sure. :)
Want to get married?→ Who doesnt?
Careers in mind? → Vet. Sort of.

Kissed a stranger → No. haha. Well, sort of. Haha.
Drank Wine/Beer/alcohol → Ya think?
Lost glasses/contacts → Contacts. I think they're still somewhere in me or something. Haha.
Ran away from home → Nah. Worse so-called 'problem solved' way.
Broken someone's heart → Guess so.
Been arrested → Maybe
Cried when someone died → Yes.

Yourself → Yea.
Miracles → Sure.
Love at first sight → Sometimes.
Heaven → 110%
Kiss on the first date→ Maybe.
Angels → Yuppie.

Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yea.
more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → nah.
Do you believe in God? → 210%

Tag: Anyone.

5:13 AM | Akito | Perma | 0 comments


He's the Man, man.

I totally don't want to think about the past. I declare myself officially SINGLE. You heard me, BOYS. xP Nah. I'm fine with or without. I've been so into my studies. I joined this essay competition and I wrote 7 pages. My title, If I were a Dancer. I could have wrote a longer version and it might turn out to be a book instead but, it was an essay competition afterall. And check this. Grand prize = $150. GG. I still gotta type it out though. Compared to my ugly, messy, unreadable, small handwriting, it's gonna be at least 8-9 pages after printing. lolol. O well, I also joined this Aussie Science Quiz today. I know. OMG geek-o much. At least I didn't take the Aussie Maths Quiz ok. I did it for the certificates! x)

I am so freaking emo. Ever since what happened in my previous post, I cried all the time. Especially within this week. Cos of frustration and stress, I tried so hard not to shed tears. One thing I want to be like my mum, be strong. Like seriously, when my uncle came back, she was still standing! Not a tear. I envy her for that. Curses. I'm a weak bitch. :\

I also declare myself, officially fat. I look so..... Pregnant whenever I change and all. Argh. I'm trying so hard not to eat and exercise more, but, unfortunately, my body isn't responding towards it. How annoying. So my only way to have what I had before, is starve. I can't believe I just said that. That will be the last thing never appear on my to do list. Sigh. I'm pathetic.

WOO! My groove's on. And you! PMS. like a tuut... I would know. Haha. Cos you're hot and you're cold. You're yes then you're no! People in school would know what I mean. Especially Sheryl, Chels and Jamie. Haha. Omg. Jamie just told me her mum when for that 'stick-needles-on-your-back' therapy thingo which I don't know how to spell. Arc-q-puc-tu-wel? Whatev. And I'm eating right now? And she's like, "You know my mum did it and when the man hammered the needles in her back, BLOOD STARTED FLOWING OUTTT!!!" *face turns green with mouth full of food* Disgusting. She's gonna send me the pic so I can upload it later. Teehee. Puke all you want people. I am definitely gonna post it.

I SO SO SO CAN'T WAIT FOR EASTER CAMP! Mum totally got shocked when I was skipping to the kitchen singing 'I can't wait to go to EASTER CAMP~~' this morning before going to school. Cos at first, I begged her so I wouldn't need to go. But phew, Chels, probably Jamie, and Grace's GOING!! WOOOO~~ Put your hands up. Put your hands up. Heeyyy~~ Next week. Starting Thursday. So probably I won't be going to school. Teehee. Till Sunday. Lalalala~ Can't waitttt.... xPP
My antidote from my previous post. Thanks Jac for accompanying me.

Earth hour! ROCK ON!

SAY IT! SAY EWWWWW!! Haha. See the bloods in the cups? They're stored for the vamps. *nods*

4:11 AM | Akito | Perma | 0 comments