Friday, August 14, 2009

In a long time, well, it felt long anyway. I think life's going perfectly. It isn't perfect PERFECT but at least I have friends, I'm no longer depressed, I feel great helping out an old friend without any special connections between him & I and.. Yea, things really is fine now. :)

I would really love to post some pictures in here but unfortunately, the pics I took in my phone wont appear in the pc so I can't post it. Sorray! I know. My blog's awfully boring. I'm not really in the mood to blog nor renovate it.

I'm drowing in Math homework. Save me...... I need the, as Cass named her, the Referee, Ms Lai. Lol. She's my saviour in school work!

Anyway, I'm in a middle of crisis now so TOODLES!

3:33 AM | Akito | Perma | 0 comments